I felt the need to escape the city on New Years Eve* so I went on a small adventure. On this particular so-called 'festive' Old ór New Years evening I do not enjoy the vandalism and racket that somehow have been accepted as 'normal' activities so I looked for a place in The Netherlands within a couple of hours of travel where I could potentially find some peace and quiet.
I found one. Hurrah. I won't tell you where exactly - some secrets are meant to remain secrets. I did wild camp illegally in a dune pan I might add. But then again considering the amount of people who set fire to things this night, wasting a lot of tax money in having to clear up their mess, I do not feel one shred of remorse for my (technically) criminal activities. So I took my camping gear, a bottle of port, the mini 'bottle light' that I received as a gift from the Wereldfietser (thank you, it was really nice and atmospheric!), 3 interesting books, my diary and some chocolate. Encased in several down layers I watched and listened to the sea for a while in the dark. The wind picked up as I was wondering how the people working on the oil platforms were celebrating New Year. I can imagine that fireworks are prohibited there. The lights from the wind farm twinkled far away. There were a lot more things going on at sea than I had thought. The cold wind and sand both bit away at my core warmth so I crawled inside my cosy tent, turned of my phone, finished one book and fell asleep and missed the passage to the new year. Hurrah again.
I woke up earlier than I liked - I was brooding too much. I had a slow and slightly grumpy start but could not help but smile once I was on my bike again riding through the beautiful Dutch landscapes. I also made a stranger laugh out loud in the morning telling him about my illegal camping adventures so that brightened my day.
Noord-Holland - a province in the Netherlands (long distance cycle route LF15) |
Winter shows bare and clean lines in the landscape, brought out extra by the shadow and the light. After a bit of rain the clouds open up and I ride through old paintings of sky. Skies with clouds and light falling through. Hazy and golden light, only there for a moment in time. Shining on the reeds and canals.
Noord-Holland - a province in the Netherlands (long distance cycle route LF15) |
Windmills pumping and whirring around. My wheels whirring on the roads. A splash of sun here and there but not enough to warm me. Turning my pedals against the wind warms me. Spatters of rain clean up the air and glisten up the world.
Noord-Holland - a province in the Netherlands (long distance cycle route LF15) |
And finally I reach the IJsselmeer, and after spending some frustrating cycling kilometers behind the dike NOT seeing the lake, I arrive at Hoorn in time for some beautiful sights.
Hoorn along Lake IJssel |
I shiver my way back home in the trains where I have three conversations with strangers about cycling and traveling and winter. Simple small moments of joy and connection.
*Footnote: By the way; the Dutch call the 31st of December Old Years Eve, which makes more sense to me personally since it is still part of the 'old year'... but then again I could get into a whole philosophical discussion about the interpretation of time of different cultures and looking back- or forward, which would be very interesting but I won't - at this point.
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